This world is filled with lots of not so Teen-y topics that many people may not talk about, but here that's what we do. Welcome to Teen-y, where we talk about some not so Teen-y topics. Led by your host, Syd Walter. Each episode we take on a new topic, in efforts to learn, unlearn, and get uncomfortable. Now, let's start asking questions, listening, and learning.
Introducing Find X
Syd Walter
From the host of Teen-y, Syd Walter brings a brand new show titled: Find X.
Find X is a podcast about areas of fracture in the United States and the show follows Syd's journeys trying to uncover and work through reckoning with the future, fracture, and her place in it all.
This is a preview of the series which is live on all platforms.
Search "Find X" to listen to the whole series on any podcast platform, or visit the Find X website: www.findxproject.com
Music from Tasty Morsels
Funding from Davis Projects for Peace
Storytelling by Syd Walter
Cover art by Saskia Gori-Montanelli
Full website to see the zine and images of everyone who was interviewed: