This world is filled with lots of not so Teen-y topics that many people may not talk about, but here that's what we do. Welcome to Teen-y, where we talk about some not so Teen-y topics. Led by your host, Syd Walter. Each episode we take on a new topic, in efforts to learn, unlearn, and get uncomfortable. Now, let's start asking questions, listening, and learning.
World of Fear
Syd Walter
Season 3
Episode 3
What is most terrifying about college is the fear that I may be the only one who is afraid.
Today on this episode of Unsure is a show in three acts, all about the fear we live with and have left behind.
For more information about the podcast visit: www.teenypod.com
Editing, hosting, and producing by Syd Walter
Interviewees: Garner, Naomi, and Vivian
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Tasty Morsels
Infinte Bisous